Monday, May 16, 2011
I’m Looking For You
May 5th, 2011
I’m following the trail.
I know you’ve been here.
From the print in the dirt
To the bench just warmed.
I smell the trail mix you just ate.
Across the lake I heard you laugh.
I’m close.
Don’t stop in your hike.
I’ll catch up.
I’ll find you.
And when we’re together we can
Turn onto that trail we’ve been dying to see
For so long. I’ll hold your hand
If you sing through the trees.
We will see blooming rhododendron,
The flight of butterflies in the Spring,
Pick wild blueberries
And climb up among the laurel
Where I’ll kiss you on the check
And you’ll lend me your lips.
Whenever we get tired we can go
Down near the river and lay among the ferns.
Then when the day is almost over
We can sit on the bank and watch the river reflect,
Until like a petal that touches the water,
You’ve gone in to swim.
I’m not letting go, but you’re gone.
The river is still sending
Ripples until the moment I go in,
After you I swim.
I’m looking for you.
I’m following the trail.
The river regains its reflection.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Honesty Abated
April 25th, 2011
By the back that turns
Once solid as granite
Weathered kaolinite it yearns
For life on the river
To set no foot again
On that shore of exception
And certainty yielding,
The mouth wide open
The heart pumping words
That will never hold so firmly
Or lead, as a trail, so clearly
As the moment I told you.
Blazes hidden in branches
Or by lightning erased
With the char of our deck time
Made morning oatmeal,
Every day, to subsist
For the bird that would fly
And land on the sail
A signal for shore
To approach and unhand
The knots on the rigs
That keep to the course,
Dump bilge, drop the sails,
To land we embark.
Running the eyes
The feet sight on land
To the fields, food to make
Do our stomachs demand.
And after we've eaten,
Tongues sated, salt licked
To the forests, to the trees
To the trails, the wind commands.
Traversed under shoe,
Weighted, kicked down,
The rocks cry out truth
And there we are found.
But as pressures release
And prints do progress
The canopy of life
Turns to cotton and wood--
On the water we are now,
To your posts, reassume.
New storms are coming,
The sails need the mend,
On our course we are sailing
For the winds do we bend.
To have followed the blazes
And been given their word
We have only a memory
Of the flight of that bird,
And the deep sigh and distant glance that it gives.