Thursday, December 23, 2010
We Want to Be All or Nothing
December 2nd, 2010
But we have to be this
And those
All at once
None being sole.
In all being many
Nothing is plural,
And you’re left with something
Neither boy nor girl.
All fight for dominance
For the first light of day
To the last thought of night
Where none are finished
In the fulfillment of love
Leaving frustrated and jealous
Those left in bed
That wants a special place
This earth can’t bear.
Thus suffers our soul
Along a black hole:
Wanting entirety
Left knowing that given eternity
It is left with its like
Also lacking
And lusting—
Until beyond time
Voids collapse
In darkness,
Deaf to the end
When all becomes nothing,
In respiting light,
Relinquishing unattainable rectitude
And rigor.
Monday, December 20, 2010
A Completed Bridge
November 5, 2010
New signs in many windows
Plants now lining the road,
New sidewalks already overgrown.
A hill for a lawn
A statue put on
The road where I used to live.
The route for its speed
Has gone wayward
Or merged
The path
Of the party has been paved.
And as much as I’ve now built
In place, time, absence
The completion still feels lacking,
While the construction was left
Previtae the building of a new house
Has begun whose plans
Encompass rooms in greater number
But elements that more encumber
The message behind the front foor.
Monday, December 13, 2010
How Does Four Years
May 15th, 2009
Separated by one
Become a dream?
It came alive for two weeks
After an absence of the same,
In form diminished.
So much greater is it from a year
In the faces of friends
In buildings changed
In halls where my name
Is no longer spoken
The bells ring.
Is it enough to erase
A connection
Once as deep as the school’s
Angst from a test,
Long days of learning,
Late nights with friends,
Laughs in the lamp-light.
They are whispers to any who listen,
But burdens of life dead to me
As I live on
In other places
With other people.
The buildings
Trees echo
The past:
Run-ins with people
Too long unseen.
Foreign at first
They reagard you.
Standing regarded
They’re distant--
Miles measured in feet.
As I am an outsider
Where is my place?
The bells ring again,
But only I hear them,
If only they tolled for me.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Seven Years…
March 16th, 2009
Can I wait for an affair?
Can I wait for him to die young?
Arrive as the rescuer returned
Somewhat forgotten
But never had longing lusted.
Conversations upon confidence.
Your adaptations,
Watching stars from the shadows,
Patiently counseling pride
Believing it to someday bloom prudence,
And eyes to see you.
Can I now confess?
Is time against such words?
Always you have been admired,
For spirit,
For faith,
For speech and thought,
For kindness and love,
You worked to bridge my great divide,
To welcome me to you.
I wasn’t ready for you,
Or I wasn't ready for it.
My watch got away;
Our Time left before I knew.
If such a moment,
Unwanted yet unexpected,
Sounded the alarm,
Distant but true,
I’d ask you
What are your dreams?
What is your future?
What is ours?
When you got a cat,
I was skeptical.
Now I understand.
Too late.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Will I Be Satisfied
May 10th, 2009
By a Desk Job,
Making schedules and phone calls galore?
A dark room lit by an induced screen?
Paper by brads with phone in hand?
Placing scrims to block light I’ve just purposed?
Emissions to ease lack of sleep by cappuccino?
To further an image of stereotypes, exploitation, impossibilities, narcissism, and glory?
Years of waiting
For the silver opportunity
That most never get,
While envy and doubt surmount.
It comes to facts of personal being
Or at least its displacement by bravado
Or earnestness.
Do I like constant warfare to be original?
Do I like skipping several nights of sleep to work on crappy projects?
Do I like driving to subsist?
Do I want to make a name more than a difference?
Community dependency can be found in both
This place and the one called home,
But this one has more opportunity for burning,
And that one less potential for a match.
Do I want to learn something useful for the days to come?
Do I want to thrive instead of flounder?
Do I want space contracted
Or at least thinned?
Do I want to help the ever increasing,
Never to cease,
Dying of want,
By providing the water of life
And fields of plenty?
Money does come near:
Providing time for the page and the world;
Ability to help friends in need
While keeping the level of life you’ve known.
Less creative,
More substantial,
Turning what is held into hobby won’t kill
Like the chase of the occupation will.
Grabbing onto the dream
Gone across town,
Rounding the corner again
Would lift life past limitations
To the path which was
Former and naive
Into remastered Technicolor
With the director calling the cuts.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The Dilemma Is
October 12th, 2010
My thoughts are dancing,
Mixed and cohesive as light
Bringing viscous tension
And stalled deliberation,
One thought no greater
Than another in the pursuit
Of a direction.
Life stops.
Opportunity missed.
Time squandered.
Work dilapidated.
Realtionships deteriorated.
Death no different
Than a delinquent decision.
Even on the darkest days
When the bucket is near dry
Dabbing the runny nose
And dampening the burn
Will start the brush drawing
To defense of divine dedication.
Death-defying diligence demands
Drowning the daunting danger
That duty is distant or dainty;
Deliver the last light
That has not diminished
To drain the devoid,
Decry the depraved,
Dismiss the years of depression and disregard;
The deluge of detrimental drudgery
Will be dammed.
In this drought decorate
One in definition and decorum
Of delicious decency,
The delicacy of discretion
And delight.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
What If In The Future
October 17th, 2010
Our friends delivered
Our judgments.
Pictures of photographic
Portraits where our faces
Reveal the complete experiences
Of all our actions;
An episode guide to every season.
I'm farther off than I am right
Here, A man finding himself failing;
Leaves falling outside the window
Slowly over weeks
As weather and soil chill.
Tragically we shiver
In the awareness,
Like naked saplings
Fresh from the soil,
Of our helplessness
Which isn't to be
Helped but by one
Who through helpfullness
Has gifted strength to overcome
And break the progression of
Fall to an early rebirth
With the promise
Of everlasting summer
Contained in the deep breath
Of an old red maple,
Boughs rising
In sweet defiance
Of the inevitable
And the law.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Ferocity Is In The Eyes
Monday, November 15, 2010
The Faces We See
November 8th, 2010
Come and go with the rain but
One face never leaves us.
Through the hurricane’s winds,
Was your hand with mine,
Battling long and strong,
but torn apart near the end.
Though shingles were ripped
Shutters unhinged,
Windows torn down
The flume left abridged,
Skylights added in new
Pine-wood living rooms,
This face holds on steady
To the day it’s faded
When to all others it
Is hidden unto itself.
In mountains and valleys
Streams run as joys and pains,
Geoclines folded to match.
Hills of trees and vines obscure
And bind the fathomless caves
That had given the depth of recognition
To a plane as uniform as coastal.
Through time it confided
And sated
Now keeps me in view
Of young energy askew.
Without hope to function
In the slow, sudden death
Of independence,
A world gone dead by its doings,
The trappings don’t hold,
Let drain,
Identities, memories, me.
As I stand on the cleft
The earth opens wide
To engulf me at last.
Let the forests burn grey.
Let the magma spew and cool.
Let the plates finish collisions
Building continents, mountains and dunes.
For the outer firmaments
Does the last breath flee
And the view, to infinity,
As the foundations slow
Their gears of metal
Manacles finally release
Setting me free.
Then a new face is found
In fields of tall fescue
Spying faces come back
Among bison, returned,
Numbering millions upon
A land with great breadth,
Water clear as the sky
As defined as ambition,
Lit by fusion’s fresh flirtings
Raising plants by their own
In soil deeper than roots,
Darker without addition,
Charged beyond demand,
On the earth, like new,
Such color,
Where we meet again.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
What Drives Us
Nov 8th, 2010
To People
And People to start
A Relationship
For which it departs?
Out of Love did it sail
But for tides often fail;
An outcome more common than sought.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
In Thick Grey Mists
October 5th, 2010
Lies an object surreal,
A thing both envied and abhorred.
Neither good nor bad,
Essential nor apart,
In society necessary
And to instinct, contrary.
The limited edition was
Narrow in creativity
and time.
Crunching the numbers,
Running the data,
From the rising of the sun
To that of the moon,
Jobs from the boss became boring;
Fall did the stocks all too soon.
Restoring confidence in the stake holders
A new edition was announced.
Prices would be cheaper
To bring in new crowds
But consumers would be happy,
“Perfection” there they found.
Two products on the market
Was surplus, not demand,
“Too much,” said the buyers,
“You never understand.”
First quarter returns so surpassed all projections,
Fat dripped down the rungs on the corporate ladder.
Returns for investors
Were skimmed in the night,
Carbon copies and receipts pointed to the deceit.
Litigation was filed,
The Judge ruled to condemn;
Guilty workers escorted out by the cops.
Restraining orders replaced the office keys,
No chance for employment or place to sleep.
Sought out all too quickly
By youth’s determined brow
Made to furrows by weight
Under one heavy-handed plow.
We drive the donkey
Though fate we exalt,
Manacles to freedom
And suicide, the heart.
Delusions to the masses
To the government, control,
The strings are invisible
To all but the King.
Deep in the will
We find an abyss,
Pining for reason
Emotions suffice.
To enter more slowly
We can follow the way
Of those we love dearly
To on our course stay.
With ears of great hearing
And eyes that are cunning
A trail might be blazed
Escaping fear and confounding.
Walking and waiting
We just want a sign
That with each single step
Brings us closer to find
That which is calling
Men and women afar
To leave light and safety
Seeking words from the stars
While we find in ourselves
No lack of what’s rare.
Now staring eyes see
What’s been there all along
A man is a man
And he truly belongs.
To those whose feet
Never don shoes,
To whom strolling in darkness
Has allure of foul food,
The journey brings respect
While there knowing to be more;
That what can be seen
Is half of what exists.
The world is behind us
Distraction betwixt.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Oh to Be Young
August 6th, 2010
To be in it’s total uncertainty
Of relationships
To women
The world
Of yourself
With growth
And yearning
Wants without reason
In the shadows of action and reaction;
Of the future
To where you’ll be
What you’ll do
Whom you’ll meet
And whom you’ll spend it with;
Of the worlds workings
In elections and buyouts
Stock markets and foreign affairrs
Wars and laws;
Of self-devision
Between God
And company,
And health;
Of longevity
With the mysteries
Of one’s genome
Of Alzheimer’s or sera palsy
Cancer or heart attack
Diabetes or stroke
Aneurism or virus
Or suicide
For all the medical bills
And accumulated life insurance;
Of offspring
In sex
In number
In profession
In fecundity
In happiness
In survival.
Will you continue
Through your own future
Into the future of the world
By your future children
Of the future for the future
Until the future’s end?
But those are the thoughts
of the aging and the aged.
The true thoughts of the young,
If there be any,
Are of whether or not they have
Purpose to live
Things left to discover,
And happiness to have and share.
The world is right
And whole.
Life and all the rest all too quickly follow
Until questions are formed,
Questions beget avatars,
And the begotten are questioned by our ages.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
A Phone Call Comes
September 8th,, 2010
In and I can only smile.
A best friend you are,
One who didn’t always
Pursue friends in friendship.
What has changed that you
Utter words of love and longing
From and to the straightest of ears?
Past society and male mass-images
Do you insert yourself,
Your values to cut away
Fantasies, falsities, and facades.
Your heart has always been
One irradiating all
Incident bodies with goodness,
Smiles being the source
Of the souvenir on their cheeks;
A life line of joy being ecstatic.
While the past found us
Cohabitants and mere friends,
The present finds us
Confidants and fathomless minds,
The ranges of infinite possibilities--
While failing in personal perceptions--
Run past the Laurentides in our discourses
Of ages and theories,
Peoples and ideas
Much past their prime
But given a spotlight again
Which lightens the soul’s heavy loads
And illuminates life’s hazy disconnections.
All is well, in its own place,
Either known or understood;
Nothing beyond the scope of
A brain’s finite fires,
Or a God’s will to his creation.
The day without you
will find the candle’s flicker fading
And my fires fleeting to the caves,
The heights forsaken to the mazes
Of a thought in a skyless corner
And a face turned crooked from the fact.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Greatest Rule About Vision
Aug 19th, 2010
Is that at first in life
The world is the universe
And the function you see
Goes to infinity.
Youth finds solace in the endless
Future before them.
But the more you see
And the more you learn,
The more you find truth
Is precisely measured.
Not going much farther,
Given its extent,
The world becomes smaller
Leaving only lament.
As we watch the ground
Bellow our feet
Exponentially shrink
We make ourselves the universe
And wouldn't you think
We become thinner and perverse,
Black holes to all with gravity
Expanding on self-depravity
To a minuscule sink.
Age finds solace in its begotten,
False hope that an impossibility,
A law of existence,
Might be bent or broken
To allow passage for the chosen
To the fable of a baby's first view,
And a rearing's first promise,
The greatest lie of life:
You can do whatever you want to do.
To accept this as false,
And in your game lose,
Would be to stave depression
From great expectation
Of what society holds true,
Born from excess
And many a broken dream
From a generation's broken world
And booming economy.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
A Steady Shimmy
May 10th, 2009
Back and forth
Racing toward a destination
A dark tunnel.
Sporatic lights.
Innumerable shadows;
The stink of discontentment.
A subway for a mind.
While not derailed,
Uncontrollable it speeds,
The contents and possabilities of the heart swirl
Like colors on the seat hidden
They are kept;
Tacky and soiled they seem.
One must prevail.
A junction:
Decision close.
The law or the gauche?
Whichever comes easier.
More avenues appear.
Will it ever stop?
Will it ever arrive?
The noises of screetching metal
Drown the will
Until its speed is all it will know
And all it will have
Bluring the eyes of the future to see
The defened will in the dark.
Monday, August 2, 2010
What is My Part?
July 19th, 2010
The part in such hatred.
What's really so different?
From many love treads.
To few it comes truly,
When commit they shall,
Who can call is so cruelly
A thing worse than fowl?
For now we are taking
The blame in our heart
A mark of great sinning
To hell would depart.
The man or the women,
Accused of the wrong,
Should know such straight doctrine
Deeper than sunday song.
The toughest words of Jesus
that ever he preached
"Love is the greatest,"
Now let me beseech,
There may be one right,
But God opens the door
To arms that hug tightly
His lost children ashore.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I Dreamed
May 10th, 2009
It came
I sought
I lost.
In confusion
Lesser things came,
For a time.
The dream is raw
Older dreams than recent dreams
dreamt are redrawn.
New vigor
New vision.
Dreaming continues
Until night
When the last, long dream begins.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
There Is a Point
A moment so sudden,
At the end of a list
On the return from a party.
Succes first the feeling
Turned lost and asunder.
Don't know where to go
Nor quite what to do.
I sit here and ponder
The life I just knew.
Transparent yet sensory,
Looking for something forgotten--
Remembering what it was to do--
Someone about to come--
The end of the sidewalk--
A cliff to the sea--
The last station of the line.
Not knowing what will be
Life continues
As the trail is now gone--
Mapless wilderness so foreign you aren't scared;
It's but crumbs and fantasy.
Anything fast
Fill up the senses
Pleasure me now as
The stranger keeps knocking,
As if his dark entrance
Might my exit light.
Without remembering
one must forget,
and will kill if the mind stays
on the question too long.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Square By Square
May 10th, 2009
House by house.
Some have swirls
Or smaller quarters.
The barren desert disappears
In water
In sod
In concrete
In light.
How far will nature fly?
Not as far as our reach.
Because it has not wings
Or the will to leave
Or the perception of its end.
We see potential,
It sees limitations.
It gives all it can
Yet we take more than it offers
And squander it on fountains
And lawns
And pools without number
Or concern.
A once unique miracle of life
Can be seen daily at the Bilagio.
It’s origin is unquestioned.
Our miricle of gamling cities
arid suburbs
And desert golf courses
Will soon end.
Our dead will overflow from yards
To sidewalks
To the gutter
Just as people begin to ask where it all went.
With her last breath
Nature will say
She offered herself freely
And we raped her anyway,
Not feeling the raping of ourselves.